francodacosta / grav-plugin-page-stats

better page stats for Grav
MIT License
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Add option to anonymize IPs before storing to DB #35

Open clesmian opened 1 year ago

clesmian commented 1 year ago

First of all, thanks for this awesome plugin!

As I'd like to use this in Germany without having to inform my users/obtain consent, I wanted an option to anonymize users, such that it is not possible to identify them. Therefore I added an option to truncate IP addresses before storing them to the database. I'm not sure whether this is actually sufficient, as I'm not a lawyer, but I guess it's a start.

Not sure if this is something you would like to be added to your plugin, but thought I'd just leave it here for you to decide. Feel free to comment/change/decline as you see fit.

huizebruin commented 1 year ago

This works, i tested it out and i don't longer have complete IP-adres stored at my db. i downloaded the zip from the repro of @clesmian and put it on my webserver in the addon map and worked out of the box. thanks

CyberSinh commented 8 months ago

Can we expect this PR to be merged soon?