francoiscabrol / ranger.vim

Ranger integration in vim and neovim
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Close current window when exiting ranger without selecting a file with bclose.vim installed, but still get rid of "[Process exited 0]" AND close the window. But if there was previously a buffer in the window, keep it? #117

Open levihb opened 6 months ago

levihb commented 6 months ago

Sorry but I guess I'm asking for the best of both worlds here. I hate the [Process exited 0] that delays exit and is just annoying, and I'm glad bclose solved it!

But now I have a new issue. I'll frequently open ranger in a vsplit or new tab just so I can go around and look at the file structure, perform advanced file operations, accidentally recursively open neovim, and do other things that fzf isn't optimal for.

I normally don't open any files, and just eventually close ranger. But then I'm left with a window that has a buffer in it from the original window I was in! So I'm back to exiting twice!

Can I make it close the window if I don't select anything?