francoismari / elyze

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Add license, gitignore and unmet dependencies to package.json #2

Closed keyvanestermann closed 10 months ago

keyvanestermann commented 2 years ago

Il n'est pas recommandé d'utiliser deux gestionnaires de paquets. J'ai ajouté les paquets manquants dans le package.json et j'ai mis le lockfile en version. J'ai aussi ajouté une licence parce que c'est courant. Et un .gitignore bien sûr.

carsso commented 2 years ago

I don't think you should choose the license for @francoismari DWTFYW license is great but choosing a license is an important decision that can't be taken by someone in a PR, all existing code authors must choose it wisely.

MaxenceMottard commented 2 years ago

Could you remove .DS_Store file from repo before ignore it.

martylamoureux commented 2 years ago

I don't think that two package managers were used here. Yarn uses the package.json as well as NPM, and it also creates the yarn.lock file for its own functioning.

So I think the project is intended to be used with yarn. Maybe it should be mentioned in the README file?

Nonetheless, all dependencies should effectively be in the package.json file

keyvanestermann commented 2 years ago

I don't think you should choose the license for @francoismari DWTFYW license is great but choosing a license is an important decision that can't be taken by someone in a PR, all existing code authors must choose it wisely.

I agree, and have removed the license.

I don't think that two package managers were used here. Yarn uses the package.json as well as NPM, and it also creates the yarn.lock file for its own functioning.

So I think the project is intended to be used with yarn. Maybe it should be mentioned in the README file?

Nonetheless, all dependencies should effectively be in the package.json file

According to YARN iself : "It is advised not to mix package managers in order to avoid resolution inconsistencies caused by unsynchronized lock files.". Since Expo uses NPM to manage dependencies (when using 'expo install...' for example), I would think NPM is a better choice than Yarn.

guillemfondin commented 2 years ago

Since Expo uses NPM to manage dependencies (when using 'expo install...' for example), I would think NPM is a better choice than Yarn.

For me, Expo is quite capable of detecting yarn (rather than npm) and using it (when using "expo install..." as well). So I think we can just keep one, and Yarn is the choice of @francoismari

keyvanestermann commented 2 years ago

I have restored the yarn lockfile. All the missing dependencies should be in the package.json now, though I found it impossible to resolve the deprecated dependency of "react-native-web" from react-native-deck-swiper and react-native-onboarding-swiper and resorted to only running the app on Android. Maybe someone more familiar with Yarn can work out how to use selective version resolutions ?