francostellari / NppPlugins

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Take notes's config/settings are lost by restarting Notepad++ #23

Open MasQueElite opened 2 years ago

MasQueElite commented 2 years ago

I open Notepad++, I change some of the settings in the Take Notes plugin, I close Notepad++, and then when I open it again, all of the configuration is lost. I tried to create the "config" folder where $cdir$ is since the plugin didn't create it automatically. And even with that folder it doesn't seem to create any sort of file. Even if I execute Notepad++ in admin mode.

Take Notes version: 1.23 (build 2021-08-06) Notepad++ version: 8.2.1

I love this plugin and I plan on using it a lot, so it would be nice if this issue was fixed. Thank you.

francostellari commented 2 years ago

I cannot reproduce your problem. Perhaps you don't have permissions to write to the folder or the plugin config folder is not where it is expected.

andzi commented 1 year ago

Have the same problem for Auto Save, started long time ago, but can't uderstand why/when it happens (settings retains on closing-opening, but sometimes see not saving and find that settings options are empty), I'll try to reproduce.

AutoSave v1.6.1 Notepad++ v8.4.9 (64-bit) - portableapps OS: W10HE Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045

kiyn commented 1 year ago

Same problem, if I change something in settings, like folder where notes are stored or toolbar icons, it saves but lost after restart. I have tried many times, it occurs often, but not always. Maybe a workaround was creating a sub folder inside the desired folder.

I have this problem from many years and versions. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Take Notes version: 1.24 (build 2021-11-10) Notepad++ version: 8.4.6 64bit

francostellari commented 1 year ago

I still cannot reproduce the problem. It may be related on how how NPP closes, may be not properly. Are the installation portable? where is the config folder?

kiyn commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if it only happens with the portable installation, but it is in this case and was most of the time. Apparently N++ closes without problems and after reboot it reopens the session correctly, Which config folder are you asking about?