franela / goblin

Minimal and Beautiful Go testing framework
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fix regex flag parsing #74 #79

Closed sockol closed 4 years ago

sockol commented 4 years ago

Passed in flags like are never parsed because the default testing package calls flag.Parse() before goblin calls flag.Parse(), which means the runRegex flag never gets set.

Resolves #74

Test manually: 1) Make a new test file like flag_test.go

package goblin

import (

func TestFlagRegex(t *testing.T) {
    g := Goblin(t)

    g.Describe("Test", func() {
        g.It("Auth 1", func() {})
        g.It("Auth 2", func() {})
        g.It("Mismatched test", func() {})

2) run go test -timeout 30s -run ^TestFlagRegex -v 3) the output will have Auth 1 and Auth 2, but not Mismatched test

Some exploration of the bug:

// Add this into the end of the Goblin() function 
fmt.Println("......", os.Args[1:], timeout, *regexParam, "[", runRegex, "]", *regexParam != "")

run go test -run ^TestHandleItRegexExec"TestsrunPass"

...... [-test.timeout=10m0s^TestHandleItRegexExec] 5s TestsrunPass [ <nil> ] true

  TestItRegexExec Helper
    ✓ TestsrunFail
    ✓ TestsrunPass
    ✓ TestsrunPass

 3 tests complete (0 ms)
--- FAIL: TestHandleItRegexExec (0.00s)
    goblin_test.go:480: Failed
exit status 1
FAIL    _/Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin  0.293s

So this test doesnt parse the "runRegex" since flag.Parse() has been called

if !flag.Parsed() {
    parseFlags() // never runs, never sets "runRegex"

If we adjust the condition to be

func Goblin(t *testing.T, arguments ...string) *G {

func parseFlags() {
    //Flag parsing
    if !flag.Parsed() {
    if *regexParam != "" {
        runRegex = regexp.MustCompile(*regexParam)
    } else {
        runRegex = nil

The command works as expected

 ~/De/P/goblin  on master *10 !2  go test -run ^TestHandleItRegexExec"TestsrunPass"
...... [-test.timeout=10m0s^TestHandleItRegexExec] 5s TestsrunPass [ TestsrunPass ] true

  TestItRegexExec Helper
    ✓ TestsrunPass
    ✓ TestsrunPass

 2 tests complete (0 ms)
ok      _/Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin  0.135s

But the tests break - the new args passed into the "TestRegex" test are not parsed, [ runRegex] is not set

......  [-test.timeout=10m0s] 5s  [ <nil> ] false

    1) Doesn't match regex
    ✓ It matches regex
    ✓ It also matches

 2 tests complete (0 ms)
 1 tests failed:

  1) Test Doesn't match regex:

    Regex shouldn't match
        /Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin/goblin_test.go:312 +0x42
        /Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin/goblin.go:231 +0x27
        /Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin/goblin.go:231 +0x3e7
--- FAIL: TestRegex (0.00s)
    goblin_test.go:320: Failed
marcosnils commented 4 years ago

LGTM. I'm wondering why travis didn't run for this check.

Does it make sense to add a test to make sure this doesn't break again?

marcosnils commented 4 years ago

Seems like the build failed but the check never reported the status here.

sockol commented 4 years ago

Added a test that more closely simulates passing in tags. It should catch if this error shows up again, but I am not sure if this is the best way handle it.

sockol commented 4 years ago

I am not sure why the build failed though. Let's see how this new build will do

marcosnils commented 4 years ago

This tests is still failing:

sockol commented 4 years ago

Pushed some changes - the new approach is to move runRegex into matchRegex() It could be improved by not compiling regex every time that function is called by checking if the parameter changed, but this should work for now.

marcosnils commented 4 years ago

the new approach is to move runRegex into matchRegex() It could be improved by not compiling regex every time that function is called by checking if the parameter changed, but this should work for now.

I don't quite understand why we need to do this. Compiling the regex every time doesn't make a lot of sense since the regex won't change in the execution of the tests. Can we refactor so we make the compilation happen once :pray:

sockol commented 4 years ago

For record keeping - there seem to be a couple ways of working around this:

1) Build that regex on runtime (as you pointed out, not a good workaround) 2) Check if the flag has been set, and compile regex if so 3) Rework the tests to test flags the same way I wrote the TestItRegexExec test 4) Find a different way to spoof flags in tests

I was able to get option 2 working and adjusted this commit to only compile when the regex param changes.

marcosnils commented 4 years ago

@sockol I believe I've fixed it here without too many hacky stuff. WDYT?

marcosnils commented 4 years ago

Fixed by #83