frang75 / nappgui_src

SDK for building cross-platform desktop apps in ANSI-C
MIT License
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nrc (NAppGUI ressource compiler) #44

Closed NejatHakan closed 5 months ago

NejatHakan commented 1 year ago

Hi Francisco,

when cloning your SDK we can find many relevant variations of the nrc executables within the folder "prj/script" for linux, macos and windows. What is the reason that your SDK ships those executables? Why are they not compiled during the cmake build process by the available sources? For me as a "beginner" C Programmer and also beginner "cmake" user it seemed at first that they were maybe compiled by yourself and you maybe just have forgotton to clean them out in your publicly available github project, but then I realized that they are not even overwritten by cmake build process either.

Best regards Nejat

frang75 commented 1 year ago

Hi @NejatHakan,

NRC is required before CMake-Generate because, in projects with resources, some *.c/*.h generated by NRC are needed. That's why a precompiled version of NRC is included so it's always available. However, I plan to change this and compile NRC from the sources before the first CMake-Generate. This forces me to make changes to the build system.

Another user already told me this same case #22.

I leave this issue open to solve it as soon as possible.

Thanks for the feedback.

NejatHakan commented 1 year ago

First of all, I really appreciate how you are responding to all the several issues here. Fast, respectful and full of knowledge from which we all can learn and benefit from.

Second: When you have done the nrc binary building from the given sources and stop shipping precompiled executables I can promise you that "God willing" your really amazing SDK will get ALL THE TRUST it earns.

Thank you so much for taking seriously all of the issues.

Alone the fact that you cross referenced both of the issues shows me a lot how serious person you are.

Thank you for leaving this issue open. Meanwhile I will follow your advice in issue number 22.

Yours Nejat

frang75 commented 9 months ago

Hi @NejatHakan!

In next NAppGUI release (1.4), the 'nrc' will be compiled in CMake generate process. All precompiled binaries will be removed.


NejatHakan commented 9 months ago

Hi Francisco,

I am looking forward for your next NAppGUI release (1.4). Best regrads Nejat

frang75 commented 5 months ago

Fixed. NAppGUI 1.4 doesn't include any binary. The nrc is build from sources.