franga2000 / BungeeStatus

A PHP powered website to show players the status of your BungeeCord network
GNU General Public License v2.0
9 stars 7 forks source link

Please add this function #4

Closed gidonyou closed 9 years ago

gidonyou commented 9 years ago

Can you add the function that reload the server stat every few second? which update player count, server status, etc..

franga2000 commented 9 years ago

An auto refresh feature is already in the latest version (1.5.1) but it's set to refresh every 1min. If you don't want to wait for the next update where I'll make it configurable, you can edit index.php: On line 68 change the last number to the number of second you want times 1000:

        if (getCookie("autoRefresh") == "true") {
    }, 60000); // <--- THIS IS LINE 68