franglais125 / apt-update-indicator

Apt Update Indicator
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Visual glitch when scrolling #14

Closed lightonflux closed 7 years ago

lightonflux commented 7 years ago

Debian 9 with Gnome 3.22. Intel HD 4000 graphics.

For some reason i can't screenshot it. The glitch disappears when making a screenshot. May be the focus change.

If this is not caused by the extension please tell me who else to bother. :)

franglais125 commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot for your report!

I have actually experienced this myself very often when scrolling, quite annoying. Debian 9 with Gnome 3.22. Intel HD 3000 here.

I think this is some kind of upstream bug, with graphics not being properly updated. We probably need to file this upstream in the gnome bugzilla.

I have definitely seen this behavior in other applications like Synaptic and Rhythmbox, i.e. where long lists of entries are displayed.

franglais125 commented 7 years ago

Well, I fixed the problem by removing some padding from stylesheet.css. I still think the bug is somewhere upstream, as simply adding some padding triggers the visual glitch...

Anyway, I'll upload the fix soon!

franglais125 commented 7 years ago

I included a fix in master [32c77b1480aa8693382385d9bda4663d97fa29c8].

Do you mind testing it to check that if fixes the issue for you?

lightonflux commented 7 years ago

Works. Glitch is gone, but looks a bit weird without padding left and right.

bildschirmfoto von 2017-06-30 13-58-13

Edit: Any idea how to tackle the upstream bug?

franglais125 commented 7 years ago

I included a few other changes as well. Are you running the master branch or did you just cherry-picked that commit?

Here is what it looks for me (running master)

screenshot from 2017-06-30 09-17-49

As for the tackling the bug upstream, I tried to search for something similar in, but couldn't find a duplicate. We can probably file a bug over there. Too bad I don''t currently have a different graphics card to know if it's just intel.

lightonflux commented 7 years ago

Aha, i did not remove the old version before make install. Removed everything and ran it again, looks fine now.

franglais125 commented 7 years ago

I just uploaded a new version to It will be available once it's reviewed! I'll close this issue now.

Thanks a lot for the report!

lightonflux commented 7 years ago

I just uploaded a new version to

Is that no 16? Because it has that glitch. (removed git version before installing from

franglais125 commented 7 years ago

No, it's version 17. I uploaded it, but it takes a while before it's reviewed and available through

Meanwhile, you can install from git master :), and you'll see that it's version 17.

Don't forget to git fetch before running make install!

franglais125 commented 7 years ago

If you are curious, here is the list of extensions pending review: