franglais125 / no-title-bar

Integrates maximized windows with the top panel
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Buttons in panel are a little « fuzzy » #49

Open Coeur-Noir opened 6 years ago

Coeur-Noir commented 6 years ago


maybe not extension but top-panel itself related ?

Buttons in panel look less sharp than those in window title bar. capture du 2018-01-20 20-35-48 There's a slight difference in rendering them.

We agree it's a very little detail ;-)

franglais125 commented 6 years ago

En effet, un peu laid !

I was always bothered by this, sorry I couldn't dedicate more time for polishing. Patches welcome of course, to anyone willing to improve the situation!

luispabon commented 6 years ago

Also, button sizing should conform to desktop scaling - if you change from scale=2 to scale=1 the buttons become ginormous, and if you start a session on scale=1 and go to scale=2 (eg you plug in a 4k monitor) the buttons become tiny. I reckon it's all part of the same issue.

franglais125 commented 6 years ago

@luispabon That's a good point, thanks for the input as well!