franglais125 / no-title-bar

Integrates maximized windows with the top panel
GNU General Public License v2.0
278 stars 40 forks source link

What does "Auto hide buttons" and "Show buttons for snapped windows" do ? #95

Open haoadoreorange opened 5 years ago

haoadoreorange commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone, In the Extension settings I see that there are options to "Auto hide buttons" and "Show buttons for snapped windows", but by changing these I don't see any change in the title bar. Does anyone know what it do ? Or is there a bug on mine ? Thank you !

skewty commented 5 years ago

Show buttons for snapped window, when disabled, requires you to use keyboard shortcut to unsnap a window and get the titlebar back. When enabled and while snapped the active window can be controlled by using the buttons embedded into the top bar.