This image shows the commands received from the topic I subscribed to.
How can I modify the value of a node on another device in the image at the same time I receive this command?
I wrote a script, but in the MQTT subscription tag section, the dropdown list does not show my script, and I cannot select any script.
![截屏2024-08-14 15 19 34](
FUXA version:1.2.0-1815
This image shows the commands received from the topic I subscribed to.
How can I modify the value of a node on another device in the image at the same time I receive this command?
I wrote a script, but in the MQTT subscription tag section, the dropdown list does not show my script, and I cannot select any script. ![截屏2024-08-14 15 19 34]( er-attachments/assets/483b68d2-2b54-4117-b7a0-60668c12128a)