frank1003A / Language-learning-ai

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[FEAT] COMPONENT > Notification Card #16

Open Mat-icon opened 3 months ago

Mat-icon commented 3 months ago


Create a reusable notification confirmation card to enable users to confirm their actions before proceeding or to give information.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The card should include a "Approve" button that dismisses the card on click.
  2. The card should include a "View" button that reveals more of the message on click.
  3. The card should be closed a timeout of 5 seconds
  4. The card should be responsive and function correctly on all devices (mobile, tablet, desktop).
  5. Unit tests should cover all key functionalities.

Expected Outcome:

A fully functional notification card that provides feedback to users after a successful verification. . It should meet all acceptance criteria.


A fully functional notification card that provides feedback to users after a successful verification, It should meet all acceptance criteria. providing a clear and positive user experience.


  1. Design implementation as per the provided Figma designs.
  2. Include a "Approve" button that dismisses the card on click.
  3. Set timeout to close it after 5 seconds.
  4. Ensure the card is responsive across different screen sizes.


  1. Unit tests for card visibility and dismissal functionality.
  2. Manual testing across different devices to ensure responsiveness.


Picture of the corresponding component/page of the ticket from the Figma: _Notification Card Base

Figma Link:

mminuwaali commented 3 months ago

Feature has been implemented and tested