frank89722 / JourneyMapIntegration

A Minecraft mod that adds mod integrations for JourneyMap
MIT License
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Add Geolosys integration #1

Closed benbenlaw closed 2 years ago

benbenlaw commented 2 years ago

I wonder how possible it would be to add geolosys support for there samples that spawn in world. Like shift right click to add a waypoint image

frank89722 commented 2 years ago


I implemented it as a clickable chat message to create a waypoint that trigger by shift right-click on an ore sample but I don't know this is a good idea or not.

Can you give this a try?

benbenlaw commented 2 years ago

Yeah I will give it a try tommorow. I wonder if you can make it as a tag. So for example giving a block your tag would make it a shift right clickable event to create the waypoint

frank89722 commented 2 years ago

Okay that sounds better than how this thing is implemented currently, I'll do it later this week maybe (a bit busy IRL)

benbenlaw commented 2 years ago

yeah no worries pretty busy as well lol

frank89722 commented 2 years ago

Hello! This is added in 0.4-21 and it's on curseforge now. I end up just make it a list for existing tags (also support block id) since people can create a tag easily with kubejs or datapack.

benbenlaw commented 2 years ago

this seems to have stopped working in the latest update

frank89722 commented 2 years ago

please open a new issue with more information can't reproduce in my dev environment