frankaemika / franka_ros

ROS integration for Franka research robots
Apache License 2.0
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[bug] Using Gazebo `set_model_configuration` srv messes up joint_states #225

Open rickstaa opened 2 years ago

rickstaa commented 2 years ago

During my RL training, the robot sometimes becomes stuck. When this happens, I use the /gazebo/set_model_configuration service to set the Panda robot to a free robot position. However, when doing this, the joint positions are sometimes reported to be outside their joint limits. This prevents third-party tools like MoveIt from functioning.

Why this happens is very clear by looking at the code:

Every time the /gazebo/set_model_configuration changes the joint positions, they get added to the joint->positions attribute. As a result, when the change made by the /gazebo/set_model_configuration is too big, the reported joint positions are pushed outside the joint limits.

I understand why this is implemented, but providing users with a way to reset the joint positions would be very helpful since it is a common use case.

I implemented a PR to add a set_franka_model_configuration service in #226.

See the behaviour in action

  1. Clone the
  2. Build the catkin workspace.
  3. Source the catkin workspace.
  4. Start the panda simulation roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch use_gripper:=false physics:=dart controller:='force_example_controller'.
  5. Start the franka_gazebo/scripts/ script (i.e. rosrun franka_gazebo
  6. Start the franka_gazebo/scripts/ script (i.e. rosrun franka_gazebo script.
  7. See the reported joint positions being pushed outside the joint limits.

[!NOTE]\ This branch also includes because the ODE physics engine is not stable when performing force control (see

See the fix in action

  1. Checkout the test_fix_gazebo_set_model_config_problem branch.
  2. Perform set 2-5 above.
  3. Start the franka_gazebo/scripts/ script (i.e. rosrun franka_gazebo
  4. See that now the joints stay within the joint limits.


rickstaa commented 6 months ago

I've recently observed an issue stemming from the changes introduced in commit 89d25713b741631ca9f4f417585e7835d160cf4a. Specifically, after invoking the original Gazebo set_model_configuration, the robot reverts to its initial position (see gif below). I adapted #226 to allow users to set the Franka configuration still.


How to reproduce

  1. Clone and build the franka_ros catking workspace.
  2. Start the franka gazebo simulation (i.e. roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch).
  3. Execute the following /gazebo/set_model_configuration call:
rosservice call /gazebo/set_model_configuration "model_name: 'panda'
urdf_param_name: 'robot_description'
- 'panda_joint2'
- 'panda_joint3'
- 0
- 0.5"
  1. See the panda robot being set to the desired position and directly returning to the position before the service is called.