I'm directly controlling a Franka Emika Panda robot using the EffortJointInterface. How can I get the controller_torque_discontinuity error if I set the maximum torque difference to less than 1.0, for instancekDeltaTauMax = 0.5?
tau_cmd << saturateTorqueRate(tau_cmd, tau_J_d);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
msg.data[i] = tau_cmd[i];
Current setup:
Firmware version: 4.2.2 libfranka version: 0.9.2 franka_ros version: 0.9.1
I'm directly controlling a Franka Emika Panda robot using the EffortJointInterface. How can I get the controller_torque_discontinuity error if I set the maximum torque difference to less than 1.0, for instance
kDeltaTauMax = 0.5
?the saturation function is the following: