frankaemika / franka_ros

ROS integration for Franka research robots
Apache License 2.0
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No publisher to /dual_arm/panda_1/franka_gripper/joint_states using franka_combined_control.launch #350

Open aodongdong opened 1 year ago

aodongdong commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am trying to config double franka panda arm in ROS using franka_combined_control.launch I bringup the franka panda robots usingroslaunch franka_control franka_combined_control.launch robot_ips:="{panda_1/robot_ip:, panda_2/robot_ip:}". After bringup, I can get the topic using rostopic list and can also echo the topic using rostopic echo /dual_arm/joint_states. However, the joint position information about gripper in the topic /dual_arm/joint_states is always 0. See as below. 2023-06-26 20-23-32 的屏幕截图 Also, i found there is no publisher to /dual_arm/panda_1/franka_gripper/joint_states: 2023-06-26 20-25-09 的屏幕截图 My franka_combined_control.launch file is as follows:

2023-06-26 20-35-57 的屏幕截图

In addition, when i use roslaunch franka_control franka_control.launch robot_ip:= to bringup single arm, all the things work well.

How can i solve this problem. Any suggestion would mean a lot!

marcbone commented 1 year ago

I think the problem is that you did not set arm_id in the gripper_node. Compare to the teleop_gripper.launch. You can also check the teleop_joint_pd_examle_controller.launch. Maybe this example already is what you are trying to achieve. And even if not it should help you to find the problem in your launch file. Keep in mind that this launch file is using the franka_combined_control.launch, so you need to revert the changes that you made there to run the example.

mitsui29 commented 4 months ago

@aodongdong hi, i wanna start with the dual arm on the simulation and real panda. Did you try it on the gazebo? I'm looking for your sharing. Thanks a lot!

mikelasa commented 2 months ago

Same as @mitsui29, I want to create simulation on gazebo for two panda robots and the dual impedance cartesian controller. I'm facing lots of issues though... Have you tried?