frankaemika / franka_ros

ROS integration for Franka research robots
Apache License 2.0
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[enhancement] Remove redundant `FrankaHWSim` panda.launch robot namespace warning #367

Open rickstaa opened 10 months ago

rickstaa commented 10 months ago

When running the roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch command, a warning is consistently issued:

Caution: Robot names differ! Read 'arm_id: panda' from the parameter server, but URDF defines '<robotNamespace>/</robotNamespace>'. Will use 'panda'!
This warning is generated by the following code snippet in the franka_hw_sim.cpp file:

The intention behind this code was to provide a more explicit warning to users when the robot namespaces don't match, as opposed to the cryptic error message, "Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface," which occurs when the URDF cannot be loaded (see

However, as also pointed out by @gollth in, this issue should no longer be present. The URDF must be successfully located to define the FrankaHWSim plugin, rendering the warning unnecessary.

To address this, I've created PR #366 to remove the code responsible for generating this warning.