attempting to do:
originally had versioning problems between Next 13.4.9 and 13.0.3 (current).
Updated that 2012 late imac computers OS from High Sierra to Mojave.
Slowed down a lot. tried ram upgrade which has been successful to other machines. Was not successful for this one.
Used older 2009 imac machine with unsupported High Sierra.
to get next up and running because of --legacy peer-deps: cloned the repo of
(cloned to have a guaranteed working version of Next, TS)
try to push .gitignore and its rightfully failing to commit those files to that gh/mine-nugget-ts repo
proposed approach:
change the repo to which git push origin main is pushing.
// while writing this also thought: why not clone next-water-app and just do it from there.
attempting to do: originally had versioning problems between Next 13.4.9 and 13.0.3 (current). Updated that 2012 late imac computers OS from High Sierra to Mojave. Slowed down a lot. tried ram upgrade which has been successful to other machines. Was not successful for this one. Used older 2009 imac machine with unsupported High Sierra. to get next up and running because of --legacy peer-deps: cloned the repo of (cloned to have a guaranteed working version of Next, TS)
error: try to push .gitignore and its rightfully failing to commit those files to that gh/mine-nugget-ts repo
proposed approach: change the repo to which git push origin main is pushing.
// while writing this also thought: why not clone next-water-app and just do it from there.