frankcollins3 / Next-Water-App

Happy, Healthy Water Cycling App that tracks user/human fluid intake.
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spread operator of another interface in a new interface [2:36pm] #130

Closed frankcollins3 closed 2 weeks ago

frankcollins3 commented 2 weeks ago

attempting to do:

export interface DynamicComponents {    
    margin: TopRightBottomLeft | null,
    padding: TopRightBottomLeft | null,
    height: string | number | null | undefined,
    width: string | number | null | undefined,
    elementId: string | null | undefined,
    elementClassname: string | null | undefined,    
    style: string | null // take stringnifiedString only as args like localStorage

Screen Shot 2024-06-16 at 2 35 57 PM

error: Property or signature expected.ts(1131)

proposed approach: possibly be data redundant tbh

frankcollins3 commented 2 weeks ago

remove spread operator! tested before asking. also tested array of [...oldInterface, newKey: newType] [2:43pm]