frankcollins3 / Next-Water-App

Happy, Healthy Water Cycling App that tracks user/human fluid intake.
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types and promises in useContext [3:50pm] #89

Closed frankcollins3 closed 11 months ago

frankcollins3 commented 11 months ago

attempting to do: 1 asyncFunc() / Promise that allows parameter-determined specification on which state inits the currentUser upon app load

error: async function setDataStatePROMISE(date:boolean, hydro_data:boolean, hydro_schedule:boolean, hydro_intake:boolean, status:boolean) {
return getDailyDataPROMISE() .then(async(dailyData:any) => { return new Promise(async(resolve:any, reject:any) => { console.log('dailyData from the promise', dailyData)
if (date) dispatch(SET_DATE( if (hydro_data) dispatch(SET_HYDRO_DATA(dailyData)) if (status) dispatch(SET_STATUS(dailyData.status)) if (hydro_intake) { const waterintake:any = await userSettingsIntakePROMISE() console.log('waterintake', waterintake) dispatch(SET_HYDRO_INTAKE(waterintake)) } if (hydro_schedule) { const userDailyWaterSchedule = await userSettingsSchedulePROMISE() console.log('schedule in promise', userDailyWaterSchedule) }
resolve([{hydro_data: ${HYDRO_DATA}, hydro_schedule: ${HYDRO_SCHEDULE}, hydro_intake: ${HYDRO_INTAKE}, date: ${DATE}, status: ${STATUS}}])
reject("error") }) }) }

proposed approach: 👎 return getDailyDataPROMISE() // added get the same error

frankcollins3 commented 11 months ago

chatGPT came up with this but did not yield any change: async function setDataStatePROMISE(date:boolean, hydro_data:boolean, hydro_schedule:boolean, hydro_intake:boolean, status:boolean): Promise { [4:07pm]

I threw this at the wall in good hope: async function setDataStatePROMISE(date:boolean, hydro_data:boolean, hydro_schedule:boolean, hydro_intake:boolean, status:boolean) {

👎 I guessed this as well: async function setDataStatePROMISE(date:boolean, hydro_data:boolean, hydro_schedule:boolean, hydro_intake:boolean, status:boolean):Promise {


frankcollins3 commented 11 months ago

i credit dabbling in C with this idea coming to mind: instead of sending 4 parameters, all boolean

try 1 paramter: // an array with 4 ints, from which a truthy one will determine corresponding state in same above order as bool [1, 1, 1, 1]


frankcollins3 commented 11 months ago

lucked out. went back up to see about types and defaults and realized parameters must be declared. to be honest kind of surprised chatGPT didn't catch this.

type PromiseTypes = { tokenID: number

iPROMISEcookies: () => any;
getUserSettingsPROMISE: () => any;
userSettingsSchedulePROMISE: () => any;
userSettingsIntakePROMISE: () => any;
getDailyDataPROMISE: () => any;
setDataStatePROMISE: (date:boolean, hydro_data:boolean, hydro_schedule:boolean, hydro_intake:boolean, status:boolean) => any;


const PromiseDefaults = { tokenID: 1,

iPROMISEcookies: () => {},
getUserSettingsPROMISE: () => {},
userSettingsSchedulePROMISE: () => {},
userSettingsIntakePROMISE: () => {},
getDailyDataPROMISE: () => {},
setDataStatePROMISE: (date:boolean, hydro_data:boolean, hydro_schedule:boolean, hydro_intake:boolean, status:boolean) => {},

