frankcollins3 / cAPPtcha

mine-nugget-ts (building captcha right now. want to make it an npm package)
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useContext for img src url? [10:48am] #2

Open frankcollins3 opened 11 months ago

frankcollins3 commented 11 months ago

attempting to do: question the img src={} handler of the app. chatGPT mentioned Typescript can add type safety while shipping this to npm

wondering whether: 👍 Keep it Sweet and Simple applies to make the better option: just using image url strings

👍 or is using {context} so below more enforced and restricted

import React, { createContext, useContext, ReactNode, useState } from "react";

// type the state which will be read-only 'string'
type imgContextType = {
    barrel: string;

// define values which will remain static
const imgDefaults: imgContextType = {
    barrel: 'img/barrel.png',

// createContext
const ImgContext = createContext<imgContextType>(imgDefaults);

export function useImage() {
    return useContext(ImgContext);

type Props = {
    children: ReactNode;

export function ImgProvider({ children }: Props) {    
    const [barrel, setbarrel] = useState<string>(`img/barrel.png`);

    const value = {

    return (
            <ImgContext.Provider value={value}>

proposed approach: go with typescript for now and any problems revert back to simplicity. ultimately typescript Context would depend on the same image strings that the first approach would depend on anyways

frankcollins3 commented 11 months ago

🤖 hath spoken!

Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 10 57 14 AM


frankcollins3 commented 11 months ago

bookmark: // first planned on no directory for Contexts, just a .tsx file in the main root as below: main-root/Img.tsx

now adding Contexts directory because as the parent wrapper will determine different style of captcha down the road .tsx files should separate the different types of images. I was going to name img-src-variables with gold to indicate this style for mine-nugget-ts.