frankcollins3 / fill_container

codecamp team project updated with new icon screen menu + puppeteer icon search, GraphQL, redux, relational psql !mongo, and accuweatherAPI
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typing return data according to specification by interface { } [11:25pm] #235

Closed frankcollins3 closed 1 year ago

frankcollins3 commented 1 year ago

attempting to do: use interface for something other than Props

error: Screen Shot 2023-06-19 at 11 23 32 PM

proposed approach: 0: do this client-side which will probably have the same issues.

1: tinker with syntax

2: consult with friend who helps in :any situation ---------> :any

frankcollins3 commented 1 year ago

type Promise as GraphQL return data object:

👍 new Promise<waterCycleData[]>

👍 .then( (userdata: waterCycleData[]) => {

👍 interface waterCycleData { google_id: string, date: string, progress: number, weekday: string, status: any[] // believe it starts with false and changes to 'check' so cant be a string. users_id: number }
