frankcollins3 / fill_container

codecamp team project updated with new icon screen menu + puppeteer icon search, GraphQL, redux, relational psql !mongo, and accuweatherAPI
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day === 2 ? [2:02pm] #240

Closed frankcollins3 closed 1 year ago

frankcollins3 commented 1 year ago

attempting to do: getHighlightedDay handles the clicking of a {day} on npm i react-calendar

error: Screen Shot 2023-06-20 at 2 02 10 PM

Screen Shot 2023-06-20 at 2 02 15 PM

proposed approach: 1: pass date from app.tsx?

2: the day "now" is marked in react calendar. button.react-calendartile:not(.react-calendartile--now) { button.react-calendartile.react-calendarmonth-viewdaysday.calendarCurrentDay {

frankcollins3 commented 1 year ago

.getDate() [2:05pm]