Open nielsm5 opened 3 years ago
See where the above change has been made.
The Frank!Doc needs to know a Java class or interface for the child. If it is not the argument of a set/add/register method, how should the Frank!Doc know it?
I've updated the abovementioned pull request. I hope the changes made in the digester-rules.xml file will suffice!
Right now only elements that are a child of a root element are included in the Frank!Doc. Because of this the framework now contains lots of dummy methods such as:
In order to avoid these methods I propose that we change the required rules in the digester-rules.xml from relative to absolute paths.
<rule pattern="*/monitoring" registerMethod="registerMonitoring" factory="nl.nn.adapterframework.monitoring.MonitoringFactory"/>
To:<rule pattern="configuration/monitoring" factory="nl.nn.adapterframework.monitoring.MonitoringFactory"/>
Note the absolute path/pattern, enforcing this element to be a child of Configuration, even though there is no setter available for this element.