The Frank!Framework is an easy-to-use, stateless integration framework which allows (transactional) messages to be modified and exchanged between different systems.
HTTPSenders in a config are doing thousands of token requests an hour, which is causing the receiving system to lock out the user. TokenExpiry is set to 10000.
All senders in the config are using the same user/secret. Seems that for every individual call the https sender is doing a token request.
This problem occured in version 8.1.1 since last week, before that version 8.0.2 was used where the problem did not occur.
token results should be (globally) shared between calls
Environment Information
FF! 8.1.1: ibis4salesforce_opportunity
Running on ibis4salesforce-opportunity-app-prd using Apache Tomcat/9.0.83
Java Version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (17.0.13+11-LTS)
Heap size: 745M, total JVM memory: 1001M
Free disk space: 11GB, total disk space: 15GB
Up since: 2024-11-29 13:16:06 (1h)
2024-11-29 13:18:05,294 ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-16] {cid=synthetic-message-id-0abadca1--5158c1dc_19377dac77f_-7ff1, adapter=GetOpportunityBackEndAdapter, pipe=CallSalesForceGetOpportunity} auth.HttpAuthenticator - OAUTH2 [complete=false] authentication error: timeout of [20000] ms exceeded2024-11-29 13:18:05,308 WARN [http-nio-8080-exec-16] {cid=synthetic-message-id-0abadca1--5158c1dc_19377dac77f_-7ff1, adapter=GetOpportunityBackEndAdapter, pipe=CallSalesForceGetOpportunity} pipes.SenderPipe - timeout occurred2024-11-29 13:18:05,324 WARN [http-nio-8080-exec-16] {cid=synthetic-message-id-0abadca1--5158c1dc_19377dac77f_-7ff1, adapter=GetOpportunityBackEndAdapter, pipe=CallGetOpportunity} processors.TransactionAttributePipeLineProcessor - Pipeline result state [ERROR] for messageId [synthetic-message-id-0abadca1--5158c1dc_19377dac77f_-7fd6] is not equal to [SUCCESS], transaction (when present and active) will be rolled back2024-11-29 13:18:05,327 ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-16] {cid=synthetic-message-id-0abadca1--5158c1dc_19377dac77f_-7ff1, adapter=GetOpportunityBackEndAdapter, pipe=CallGetOpportunity} receivers.Receiver - Receiver [GetOpportunityReceiver] Receiver [GetOpportunityReceiver] message with messageId [synthetic-message-id-0abadca1--5158c1dc_19377dac77f_-7fd6] has already been received [1] times; maxRetries=[1]; error in procesing: [exitState [ERROR], result [<errorMessage timestamp="Fri Nov 29 13:18:05 CET 2024" originator="IAF 8.1.1" message="SenderPipe [CallSalesForceGetOpportunity] msgId [synthetic-message-id-0abadca1--5158c1dc_19377dac77f_-7fd6]: HttpSender [CallSalesForceGetOpportunity-sender] timeout of [20000] ms exceeded"> <location class="org.frankframework.pipes.SenderPipe" name="CallSalesForceGetOpportunity"/> <details>org.frankframework.core.TimeoutException: HttpSender [CallSalesForceGetOpportunity-sender] timeout of [20000] ms exceeded at org.frankframework.http.HttpSenderBase.sendMessage( at org.frankframework.http.HttpSenderBase$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$db3ca69c.invoke(<generated>) at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocat], exitcode [504]], will continue retrieving messages in [100] seconds
{mid=ID:abc.456:1229, cid=123, adapter=fdsa, pipe=asdf} auth.HttpAuthenticator - OAUTH2-REFRESHED [complete=false] authentication error: Could not retrieve token: (400) Bad Request: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"authentication failure"}
Current Behavior
HTTPSenders in a config are doing thousands of token requests an hour, which is causing the receiving system to lock out the user. TokenExpiry is set to 10000. All senders in the config are using the same user/secret. Seems that for every individual call the https sender is doing a token request.
This problem occured in version 8.1.1 since last week, before that version 8.0.2 was used where the problem did not occur.
according to Tim, this change might be related:
Expected Behavior
token results should be (globally) shared between calls
Environment Information
FF! 8.1.1: ibis4salesforce_opportunity Running on ibis4salesforce-opportunity-app-prd using Apache Tomcat/9.0.83 Java Version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (17.0.13+11-LTS) Heap size: 745M, total JVM memory: 1001M Free disk space: 11GB, total disk space: 15GB Up since: 2024-11-29 13:16:06 (1h)
Steps To Reproduce
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No response
What database are you using?
No response
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
No response
Relevant Log Output
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No response