frankframework / frontend-conventions

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Volgorden atributen met ng-linter #7

Open philipsens opened 1 month ago

philipsens commented 1 month ago

Lint the attribute order in angular html templates - Stack Overflow

'TEMPLATE_REFERENCE', // e.g. #ietsIets
'ATTRIBUTE_BINDING', // e.g. ``, id="3"

'STRUCTURAL_DIRECTIVE', // e.g. `ngIf="true"`, ngFor="let item of items"

'INPUT_BINDING', // e.g. `[id]="3"`, `[attr.colspan]="colspan"`, [style.width.%]="100", [@triggerName]="expression", bind-id="handleChange()"

'TWO_WAY_BINDING', // e.g. `[(id)]="id"`, `bindon-id="id"
'OUTPUT_BINDING', // e.g. `(idChange)="handleChange()"`, on-id="handleChange()"
  class="el el-success"
  *ngIf="message.success || iets wat lang is"  