frankiearzu / DSMTools

DSM Tools Packages EdgeTX/OpenTX
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Error writing to file when using forwardprogramming lua script #20

Closed kootje1976 closed 2 months ago

kootje1976 commented 3 months ago


we extracted the zip to the root folder as described:

when starting up the plugin, we receive the error in the image

do you have any idea what can be wrong?

frankiearzu commented 3 months ago

We are aware that sometimes, writing to Log files on EdgeTX 2.10.x is having problems. Still trying to find a solution on EdgeTX.

In the meantime, use v0.57 (on the "in Development", but will move it to the main directories). Is Exactly the same as v0.56, but with writing to the logs turned off. The Logs are mostly useful to debug new version of RX firmware.. and with 0.57, we can turn it ON as needed, but the default if OFF.

Also please do a check of the SDCard. If you are in Windows, do "Right Click on Drive letter"-> "Preferences"->"Tools"->"Disk Check". After the run, check that your SDCard /LOGS is still there and is a directory/folder, if is not a directory/folder, delete it, and create a new LOGS folder.

frankiearzu commented 2 months ago

Strange Problem with EdgeTX, not the LUA script. closing this one here.