frankko / Place-Linked-Bitmap

A plugin to place external bitmap files into Sketch and update Sketch layers after external bitmaps are updated
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Place Linked Bitmap/Update All Bitmaps not working on Sketch 99.1 #18

Closed blackmetalben closed 4 months ago

blackmetalben commented 10 months ago

Not sure if you're still supporting this plug-in, but my design team at lego has found it extremely useful for connecting our psds to our sketch files. Great job on it, whether you update it or not, but I sure hope you do!

Everything still works great, except for the Update All Bitmaps command.


Sincerely, Ben

frankko commented 4 months ago

Hopefully fixed now, finally.

blackmetalben commented 4 months ago

Sorry… it doesn’t seem to be. I’ve tried it on v100 and v99.5, but the “update all bitmaps” feature isn’t working. “Place bitmap as new layer” and “Place bitmap as layer fill” both work fine.

frankko commented 4 months ago

After trying to Update all bitmaps, if you look in ~/Library/Logs/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/ is there a Plugin Log.log file? You might see an error message related to the plug in there. If you can paste whatever you find, that might help.

blackmetalben commented 4 months ago

Does this help?

TypeError: doc. documentData(). assets(). imageCollection is not a function. (In 'doc. documentData(). assets(). imageCollection()', 'doc. documentData(). assets(). imageCollection' is undefined) at updateShapeLayer (/Users/usbenfas/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins/Place Linked Bitmap.sketchplugin/Contents/Sketch/handlers.cocoascript:175:73) at PLB_update_bitmaps (/Users/usbenfas/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins/Place Linked Bitmap.sketchplugin/Contents/Sketch/handlers.cocoascript:404:47)

frankko commented 4 months ago

Yes, very much. Thanks. I will get to work.

blackmetalben commented 4 months ago

Really appreciate it, man!

frankko commented 4 months ago

Sorry about that. Hopefully this one works for you. I appreciate the feedback.

blackmetalben commented 3 months ago

Thanks, man! It works perfectly. I have no idea why you're doing this for free, but I'm glad you are!