frankmorgner / vsmartcard

umbrella project for emulation of smart card readers or smart cards
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Not able to compile the code of Virtual Smart Card Reader because of missing file or module "VirtualSCReaderDriver" in the solution #257

Closed MahaboobAslam closed 1 month ago

MahaboobAslam commented 7 months ago

Hi Mr Frank,

I am new to writing UMDF driver and understood after downloading the code from the repository that it uses 1.x framework. Since I am using the Visual Studio 2019, I need to port the code to the 2.x framework, following the steps given in the Microsoft documentation is guess.

Looking into code, there is a missing part in the code you have provided called "VirtualSCReaderDriver.h.cpp" files. With out this I would not be able to build the code, which is part of the Driver, Device, PipeReader, Reader, VpcdReader and TcpIpReader are the classes that are using/including this Module which was written for reading Virtual Card Reader.

I would be thankful to you if can provide the files for the missing modules of "VirtualSCReaderDriver".

Please do the needful.

Regards SMA

frankmorgner commented 7 months ago

There is no file or reference to a VirtualSCReaderDriver.h.cpp in some project file. We only have a module (coclass) with that name.

Try pasting the the exact error message or a screenshot here.

MahaboobAslam commented 7 months ago

There is no file or reference to a VirtualSCReaderDriver.h.cpp in some project file. We only have a module (coclass) with that name.

Try pasting the the exact error message or a screenshot here.

Hi Mr Frank

With the last comment of your, I am able to build the code and got the binary "BixVReader.dll" with some minor compilation issues, in Visual Studio 2019.

With Devcon.exe I tried to deploy the BixVReader.dll in my machine with the following command as below.

Commands executed are as follows:

devcon install BixVReader.inf root\BixVReader devcon -r install BixVReader.inf root\BixVReader

The outcome after running these commands is as follows, which i have attached.


Prior to this, I have installed the certificate generated on the machine on which I am deploying the driver. And it doesnt have the "DevMsi" files init to build the installer, i am getting an error when i try to build the installer. The error is as follows: error CNDL0150: Undefined preprocessor variable '$(var.DevMsi.TargetPath)'. I am using the devcon that comes with the WDK installed for Windows10 and Visual Studio 2019. Please help me, I would be thankful to you if can provide the steps and setting in details to deploy the driver. Note: I have digitally signed my code. content of .inf file is as follows

; BixVReader.inf

Signature="$Windows NT$"
DriverVer = 11/29/2023,




1 = %DiskName%

; =================== UMDF Device ==================================







DisplayName = %WudfRdDisplayName%
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\WUDFRd.sys



UMDriverCopy=12,UMDF ; copy to drivers\umdf


; =================== Generic ==================================

ManufacturerName="<Your manufacturer name>" ;TODO: Replace with your manufacturer name
DiskName = "BixVReader Installation Disk"
WudfRdDisplayName="Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Reflector"
DeviceName="Bix Virtual Smart Card Reader"

Regards SMA

frankmorgner commented 5 months ago

did you use test signing (for local installation) or did you sign with some other certificate? In the latter case, the system needs to trust this certificate, see