Using the a ModelAdmin (or anythig outside of the site tree) to edit a Gallery Page (or its extensions) cause issues becuase the Javasctip searches for Form_EditForm_Images. This can also cause issues if the relation isn't Images. It may be better to put the label back onto the field and using the followingt to build the data-config call in the javascript
Using the a ModelAdmin (or anythig outside of the site tree) to edit a Gallery Page (or its extensions) cause issues becuase the Javasctip searches for Form_EditForm_Images. This can also cause issues if the relation isn't Images. It may be better to put the label back onto the field and using the followingt to build the data-config call in the javascript
The label for attribute will ways have the full form ID. This is also make modifying the field for multiple gallery uplaod fields easier