frankroeder / parrot.nvim

parrot.nvim 🦜 - the plugin that brings stochastic parrots to Neovim. This is a gp.nvim-fork focused on simplicity.
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PrtChatRespond results in ".... does not look like a chat file" #32

Closed RobertBrunhage closed 1 month ago

RobertBrunhage commented 1 month ago

I've gone through the configuration and is using the following config.

        tag = "v0.3.7",
        dependencies = { "ibhagwan/fzf-lua", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
        -- optionally include "rcarriga/nvim-notify" for beautiful notifications
        config = function()
                providers = {
                    anthropic = {
                        api_key = os.getenv "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY",

The chat file is named ~/.local/share/nvim/parrot/chats/, and opened through :PrtChatNew and tried to respond with :PrtChatRespond.

Am I missing something in the config?

frankroeder commented 1 month ago

Hi @RobertBrunhage, can you share the head of your chat file. There are basically 3 things that must hold according to for parrot.nvim to recognize the file as chat. Have you deleted the first lines of the initial chat file?

The config looks fine, I have checked it locally. Dunno what follows, so you might delete the comma after the last bracket.

RobertBrunhage commented 1 month ago

@frankroeder here is the entire chat file (had to remove the ending quotes of the code snippet because github formatting was off)

# topic: ?



I have the following content from /Users/robertbrunhage/personal/projects/.dotfiles/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/plugins.lua:

        tag = "v0.3.7",
        dependencies = { "ibhagwan/fzf-lua", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
        -- optionally include "rcarriga/nvim-notify" for beautiful notifications
        config = function()
                providers = {
                    anthropic = {
                        api_key = "api keeeeey :)",

How does this look?

I want to add that other functionality works such as PrtImplement etc but not responding in a chat

frankroeder commented 1 month ago

@RobertBrunhage, I have tested this with a minimal Neovim setup, with only lazy.nvim and parrot.nvim installed. As expected, there are no issues regarding the chat file detection. Therefore, I am unable to reproduce your case. Feel free to try it yourself (

Let me know if you have further hints!

RobertBrunhage commented 1 month ago

Going to debug a bit more but I would like to say I have quite a lean neovim config setup

Update: after debugging I think it's related to using stow for symlinks as chat_dir is looking at the incorrect place, here are some logs

file_name: /Users/robertbrunhage/personal/projects/.dotfiles/bin/.local/share/nvim/parrot/chats/
chat_dir: /Users/robertbrunhage/.local/share/nvim/parrot/chats
File name does not start with chat_dir

Here is the updated code snippet for adding prints

---@param buf number # buffer number
---@param file_name string # name of the file
---@param chat_dir string # directory path for chat files
---@return boolean # returns true if file is a chat file
M.is_chat = function(buf, file_name, chat_dir)
  -- Print for debugging
  print("file_name: " .. file_name)
  print("chat_dir: " .. chat_dir)

  -- Check if file_name starts with chat_dir
  if not M.starts_with(file_name, chat_dir) then
    print("File name does not start with chat_dir")
    return false

  -- Get the lines from the buffer
  local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(buf, 0, -1, false)
  -- Print lines for debugging
  print("Lines:", vim.inspect(lines))

  -- Check if the number of lines is less than 4
  if #lines < 4 then
    print("Less than 4 lines in the file")
    return false

  -- Check if the first line starts with '# '
  if not lines[1]:match("^# ") then
    print("First line does not start with '# '")
    return false

  return true
frankroeder commented 1 month ago

I was also thinking about something like a symlink. It’s great that you found the error! I apologize for not considering your PR. I had to add the same check for the other config directory too (see Furthermore, I believe it is cleaner to handle this in the main code rather than inside the config.

RobertBrunhage commented 1 month ago

I was also thinking about something like a symlink. It’s great that you found the error! I apologize for not considering your PR. I had to add the same check for the other config directory too (see 91bbf78). Furthermore, I believe it is cleaner to handle this in the main code rather than inside the config.

No worries at all! Thanks for the quick response and implementing a fix!

RobertBrunhage commented 1 month ago

@frankroeder I just started using the latest tag instead of my fork and I still get the issue, but only in repos that is not my neovim/.dotfiles repo.

file_name: /Users/robertbrunhage/personal/projects/.dotfiles/bin/.local/share/nvim/parrot/chats/
chat_dir: /Users/robertbrunhage/.local/share/nvim/parrot/chats
File name does not start with chat_dir

Just to verify I went back to my fork and made sure it was updated with latest changes for this repo, which still didn't work. Then I added in my change again and it worked.

frankroeder commented 1 month ago

Okay, maybe I'm still misunderstanding your setup — sorry! I just tested it with the "chat" folder being a symlink, and I didn't encounter any issues. What do you mean by "that are not your repo"? Are you testing out other dotfiles?

Hmm, why does it end up in the bin/ folder?

Instead of using your fork, you could simply add this to your Parrot config:

chat_dir = vim.loop.fs_realpath(vim.fn.stdpath("data"):gsub("/$", "") .. "/parrot/chats"

Thanks for reporting!

RobertBrunhage commented 1 month ago

Okay, maybe I'm still misunderstanding your setup — sorry! I just tested it with the "chat" folder being a symlink, and I didn't encounter any issues. What do you mean by "that are not your repo"? Are you testing out other dotfiles?

It works when I am testing chat in my dotfiles where neovim is setup

When I am opening another location (such as another project), it does not.

If it helps I am using stow for symlinking and the neovim repo is a submodule of my .dotfiles

Instead of using your fork, you could simply add this to your Parrot config:

chat_dir = vim.loop.fs_realpath(vim.fn.stdpath("data"):gsub("/$", "") .. "/parrot/chats") Thanks for reporting!

Using this works without the fork!