frankroeder / parrot.nvim

parrot.nvim 🦜 - the plugin that brings stochastic parrots to Neovim. This is a gp.nvim-fork focused on simplicity.
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Deprecation warning for `vim.tbl_add_reverse_lookup` #9

Closed denismaciel closed 3 months ago

denismaciel commented 3 months ago

I am getting this warning when loading parrot.nvim on NVIM v0.11.0-dev+d62d181.

vim.deprecated: require("").check()

- WARNING vim.tbl_add_reverse_lookup is deprecated. Feature will be removed in Nvim 0.12
    - stack traceback:
frankroeder commented 3 months ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. I will provide a solution shortly.

frankroeder commented 3 months ago

@denismaciel I am sorry, but I will have to postpone this issue. Currently, my focus is on supporting the stable versions of nvim. However, I am open to pull requests if you can find a solution.

denismaciel commented 3 months ago

Sure thing, @frankroeder. Just wanted to document the deprecation warning, since it will pop up in the future.

If I find some time, I will try to submit a PR.

Thank you for the plugin! It's been my daily driver for a couple of months already.

denismaciel commented 3 months ago

Ok, I just checked the problem again and it seems it's typecript-tools, not parrot.nvim, the plugin to blame. Sorry, I misread the stacktrace.