frankthetank7254 / feral

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In, add -w (--max-time) option to curl when downloading test files. #18

Open higden opened 7 years ago

higden commented 7 years ago

Sometimes the script can take an hour to complete because the network is painfully slow and the test files are over 200MB.

Adding a --max-time option to the curl command on line 28 would greatly decrease the chances of the script hanging.

According to the curl manual:

-m, --max-time \<seconds> Maximum time in seconds that you allow the whole operation to take. This is useful for preventing your batch jobs from hanging for hours due to slow networks or links going down.

Currently, the line in the script is:

messyspeed=$(echo -n "scale=2; " && curl -4 -s -L ${test_files[$count]} -w "%{speed_download}" -o /dev/null | sed "s/\,/\./g")

The changed line would read like this:

messyspeed=$(echo -n "scale=2; " && curl -4 -s -m 180 -L ${test_files[$count]} -w "%{speed_download}" -o /dev/null | sed "s/\,/\./g")

The option -m 180 specifies a timeout of 180 seconds, or 3 minutes.

proudcanadianeh commented 7 years ago

I would very much like to see this, am currently facing a problem where the test seems to just be hanging on one of the routes.

vicelversa commented 7 years ago

I second (or third) this change as well. I use a localized version of the script to include such changes. I have mine set to spend no more than 30 seconds per route test. At least for my connection, 30 seconds is enough time to observe a slow connection.

proudcanadianeh commented 7 years ago

I think 30 seconds is too aggressive for general distribution to be honest. Some poor connections need several minutes to actually average out a real speed. I would say 2-3 minutes minimum would be safe