By pressing "TAP TAP" several times, the like bar fills up, but when it explodes, it only counts 01 like. Is there a way to get the total number of likes, equal to the number sent in the likes bar?
Like imagem(83 likes), but in console count one...
private static void Client_OnLike(TikTokLiveClient sender, Like e)
Console.WriteLine($"{e.Sender.UniqueId} liked!"); // 01 but I sent 83 likes
By pressing "TAP TAP" several times, the like bar fills up, but when it explodes, it only counts 01 like. Is there a way to get the total number of likes, equal to the number sent in the likes bar?
Like imagem(83 likes), but in console count one...
private static void Client_OnLike(TikTokLiveClient sender, Like e) {