frankvHoof93 / TikTokLiveSharp

Port of TikTok live library for C#
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HttpUtility error #76

Open Tylia-rt opened 1 month ago

Tylia-rt commented 1 month ago

Hi ,

I have an error. I've dowloaded the plugin like in de Readme note, with the git url via the package manager and i receive an error :

´´´ Library\PackageCache\dev.vanhoof.tiktokliveunity@3b06452483\TikTokLiveSharp\Client\TikTokBaseClient.cs(505,108): error CS0103: The name 'HttpUtility' does not exist in the current context ´´´

So i cannot start the example scene because i need to fix the compiled errors.

As a French speaker and a beginner in code, it's complicated to understand, and I don't see what I can do to solve my problem.

I tried to create another project and re-import the package, but a different error appeared, so I'm a bit confused. Is it me who's doing something wrong, or is it the package that goes wrong during installation?

All I did was open the package manager window, + , add package by git url and paste the link given in the readme note from the git repo.
