franzenzenhofer / f19n-obtrusive-livetest

A sandboxed, extendable testing chrome extension and framework! It runs pre-defined and custom tests on each page that you visit.
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nice to have: Helper to access Live DOM #39

Closed franzenzenhofer closed 6 years ago

franzenzenhofer commented 8 years ago

ein ergebnis sollte die möglichkeit haben das liveDom anzufassen und ev. zu editieren

z.b. um links welche auf nofollow gesetzt sind zu highlighten z.B.: this bookmarklet javascript:var a%3Ddocument.getElementsByTagName(%27a%27)%3Bfunction nfc()%7Bfor(var i%3D0%3Bi<a.length%3Bi%2B%2B)%7Bif(a%5Bi%5D.rel.toLowerCase()%3D%3D%27nofollow%27) solid

franzenzenhofer commented 6 years ago

will not happen, not easily possible