franzhcs / FFCircularProgressView

FFCircularProgressView - An iOS 7-inspired blue circular progress view
MIT License
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tableview scroll slow #10

Open lukasa1993 opened 10 years ago

lukasa1993 commented 10 years ago

using FFCircularProgressView makes table view slow on ipad we show about 18 instances of FFCircularProgressView and scrolling is slow

any ideas how to speed up?

pronebird commented 10 years ago

@lukasa1993 I assume -(void)drawRect: is called for each scroll event. Might be faster if custom CALayer used instead.

honkmaster commented 9 years ago

Does someone has an idea how to improve performance?

nnhubbard commented 8 years ago

@lukasa1993 Are you sure that you are adding it correctly and using cell reuse? The FFCircularProgressView should only be allocated once, not for every cell.