franziskuskiefer / hpke-rs

Pure Rust implementation of HPKE (
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use x25519-dalek instead of -ng version? #54

Closed japaric closed 7 months ago

japaric commented 7 months ago

the latest version of x25519-dalek-ng (v1.1.1) does not compile to a no-std target like thumbv7em-none-eabihf because it doesn't disable the default features of its rand dependency and that brings in a dependency on libstd due to its opt-out "std" feature. I can certainly send a fix for that but given that the repository / crate has not been updated / released since early 2021, it's possible that the fix never makes it into a release.

would it be possible to use x25519-dalek instead of the -ng one? the former has proper no-std support and seems to be more actively maintained.

franziskuskiefer commented 7 months ago

I'd be fine switching to the -ng create.

On that crypto provider in general: This crypto provider is really here for convenience but I don't use it too much myself. I know these crates are popular, but I generally recommend using other crypto libraries that don't lead to a dependency hell like this. The everest provider is not maintained anymore and I'll remove it. But I'll add a libcrux one soon.