fraoustin / keeweb

container docker for run keeweb server with nginx without TLS
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new kdbx-files saved to /share/webdav instead /webdav #1

Open pinguini opened 4 years ago

pinguini commented 4 years ago

when saving passwords (with default PUT tmp and MOVE ) the files are placed to /share/webdav folder. These files are inaccessible cos there is rewrite rule. rewrite /webdav/(.*) /$1 break;

may be remove this rewrite rule ?

fraoustin commented 4 years ago

Hi thank you for a issue

I run keeweb with

docker run -d --name keeweb -e KEEWEB_WEBDAVUSER=user -e KEEWEB_WEBDAVPASSWORD=pass -p 80:80 -v /home/fraoustin/share:/share fraoustin/keeweb cp password.kbdx /home/fraoustin/share

in parameter of keeweb:

the container has two functionality:

what do you do? do you have a docker-compose.yml ?