frappe / builder

Modern website builder for modern web pages
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Bug: preview issues using components inside components #85

Open the3dfox opened 2 months ago

the3dfox commented 2 months ago

I encountered an issue using a component inside a component. For instance, creating a component called headline and using this component inside a second component image

This leads to the following problem:

  1. Component not rendered in editor canvas. In the preview, it is rendered correctly though image
batonac commented 1 month ago

I'm experiencing issues with this as well. In my case, components nested within a component are visible on the pages where they're present, but do not display the attribute overrides in the page-edit context.

For example, I have here a simple header component which contains menu links as sub-components. As you can see, the default sub-component text is displayed on the page edit view: image

In the component editor the component-level attribute overrides are rendered correctly: image

They're also just fine on the rendered frontend: image

In the end, this doesn't impede development, but it is annoying.