frappe / chat

Modern Chat App for Frappe
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Missing notification #22

Closed rioshaz closed 2 years ago

rioshaz commented 2 years ago

Guys any news on how to implement the notifications and how to gt notifications on mobile app or browser ?

codescientist703 commented 2 years ago

There is already sound-based notification system implemented

rioshaz commented 2 years ago

@codescientist703 sound only comes when chat is open.. it doesnt make sound if the chat window is closed.. i have to keep chat windows open always for sound to come.. .

codescientist703 commented 2 years ago

make sure to enable these settings Screenshot from 2021-12-10 16-37-14

rioshaz commented 2 years ago

@codescientist703 i have updated to latest erp n frappe version

the setting icon is gone n all user images have reset and now displays the same user,,pls fix.. before it was fine..


shall i update to latest chat version too ?

rioshaz commented 2 years ago

ok i fixed it ... thanks

i agree sound comes but if u are away n come to work... u wouldnt know a chat has come as long as there isnt any kind of visual hint.. like may be a chat counts on the chat icon. in red color...

group works but i cant see who all are in the group or how do i add more people to it or remove ..

also there is always a green dot next to anyone u chat to,, even when he/she is offline.. i guess this is bug.. also pls add chat forward n reply option....

thanks for ur good work bussy..