frappe / chat

Modern Chat App for Frappe
103 stars 124 forks source link

Feature Request #24

Open rioshaz opened 2 years ago

rioshaz commented 2 years ago

Hi Buddy, thanks for your hard work n support.. i see you added unread msg count.. great job ,, really appreciate n thankful to u. few basic chat features that i think would be cool if we can integrate :

view group chat room user list by clicking on group chat name, ( add users to room or remove ) image or file uploader to show progress, send location, audio note. forward n reply msg.. msg read n unread ( tick or double tick )

Can i make a system notification ? i would like to use condition " if msg = unread" send notificaiton.. like how i do with todo n other doctype..

and my system notification is already integrated with Firebase Cloud Messaging so users can get notification on their phone too...

this is will make or chat so awesome n perfect to use in real-time communications n vry close to whatsapp so companies will feel confident to switch to this chat ...

let me know if i can contribute in anyway...

rioshaz commented 2 years ago

thank you for your prompt help n response. i see u fixed move to top in chat list issue.. how about notification not working in a user chat window view when hidden and other features.. are these in-process buddy ?

codescientist703 commented 2 years ago

If you are chatting with someone and the window is hidden the counter will not be incremented for that chat only. All notifications from other chats would be incremented.

rioshaz commented 2 years ago

@codescientist703 other chats dont increment either....... but i really appreciate your hard work..

Anynews when can other features be added.. also can we have a feature to add erp records, notes and task from erp n send to user via chat..

rioshaz commented 2 years ago

are you guys still doing it or is the project dead ?