frappe / chat

Modern Chat App for Frappe
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feat: Chat operator to communicate with guest user #48

Closed shariquerik closed 1 year ago

shariquerik commented 1 year ago

We used to have this feature in the older version of the chat app.

Added Chat operators table multi-select field in chat settings Now messages from the guest users will only be visible to the users mentioned in the chat operators field. Also added users table multi-select field in Chat Room doctype.

In Chat Settings is the chat operator. And you can see he is able to see the John Doe Guest User's message


Jane Doe is a company user and she can only see a direct message from the company user


Guest User


We already have a members field in Chat Room which stores the user's name as a comma separate value. Need suggestion should we use a text field or a multi-select field for this? I think multi-select should be the obvious choice but why it was implemented as a text field? Security reasons?

shariquerik commented 1 year ago

Merging it for now will refactor later