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Module of Renting and Service Booking System #15512

Open jigartarpara opened 5 years ago

jigartarpara commented 5 years ago

See discussion here

Develope a module for renting system to manage all renting items (Pysical Item or Service) with booking, delivery, return item, prevent duplicate booking on same date and other needed report I’m inviting developer who want to join and any other person who can help with design architecture of module

dulhaver commented 5 years ago

very good initiative indeed. This feature could help with many scenarios form renting out machinery, vehicles, to a hotel business or the healthcare module (booking rooms/beds for patients) or even just help with internal processes like availability of certain tools.

some thoughts regarding functionality:

  1. rental start/stop period time needs to be more precise then a complete day (maybe it should be possible to define the rental period precision per specific item).

  2. there need to be a setting which defines a maintenance time between return and next rental availability. Example: you rent out a room in a hotel ... checkout is happening at 10:00 am. Then you'll need time to maintain then room (aka clean it) to make it ready for the next visitor to move in. This maintenance time can be quite different depending on the actual item rented out, so this maintenance period length must be able to be defined per item.

  3. maybe not only customers but also employees should be able to rent an item (like a tool that is shared within the organization)

aakvatech commented 3 years ago

Would this be usable for movie/bus ticket bookings too?

jigartarpara commented 3 years ago

I think yes, we need some modification

derrickfoo87 commented 3 years ago

how can I install using docker?

Rzaw commented 1 year ago

What is the progress on this module? Is it available?