frappe / erpnext

Free and Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
GNU General Public License v3.0
20.39k stars 7.08k forks source link


Open ahmedbahgattt opened 1 year ago

ahmedbahgattt commented 1 year ago

THE PROBLEM in any retail business we need to add expiry date of items (hundreeds) while adding purchase recipiant for tracking real stock of expiry items and many reasons

SOLUTION the simpliest way is adding batch expiry date in purchase recipuant item (child table) not only batch

and this us manadatory and critical to any retail which dealing with thousands of items

f-9t9it commented 1 year ago

We already have added this as a customization. It is not preferable for most of the businesses hence not in core.

pmjd-code commented 1 year ago

I agree with you @ahmedbahgattt , this is a missing feature which should be in the core as an option. Having to retrospectively add Manufacturer/Supplier's expiry dates to items after receipt is time consuming, when it could more easily and effectively be done when items are added on a Purchase Receipt.