frappe / erpnext

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Goods Issue Pending Against Work Order #41822

Open parasonit opened 1 month ago

parasonit commented 1 month ago

Goods issue pending against Work order.pdf

Goods Issue Pending Against Work Order


We propose adding functionality in ERPNext to allow for the consumption of BOM materials after a work order is completed. This feature is essential for scenarios where BOM components (SFG or bought-out items) are physically available but have not been entered into the system due to pending purchase receipt entries. As a result, the material is not available in the system's stock. In SAP, there is a functionality to consume materials afterwards. We need a similar feature in ERPNext where, after completing the work order and producing the finished goods for delivery, users can consume the BOM materials once they become available in the system. This ensures that the cost is loaded onto the parent material.

Use Cases:

  1. Delayed Documentation: When BOM components are physically available but not documented in the system, allowing for their subsequent consumption.
  2. Work Order Completion: Enabling the completion of work orders and production of finished goods without waiting for all documentation to be completed.
  3. Cost Allocation: Ensuring that the cost of BOM materials is correctly allocated to the parent material, even if the materials are consumed post work order completion.

Detailed Workflow:

  1. Complete Work Order: Remove BOM components that are not available in the system but physically available. Post the manufacture entry to produce the finished goods. image
  2. Post Consumption Entry: Once the missing BOM materials become available in the system, post a stock entry “Material consumption for Manufacture” using the same work order. Untick the BOM option to avoid producing the finished good again. This ensures only the remaining material is consumed, and the cost is loaded onto the parent material.


Benefits: • Flexibility: Provides flexibility in managing and documenting BOM components, accommodating real-world delays and issues. • Accurate Costing: Ensures accurate cost allocation to the parent material, maintaining financial integrity. • Efficiency: Allows for smoother operations by enabling the completion of work orders and subsequent documentation and consumption of materials. Reason for Activation: This feature addresses practical challenges where documentation delays prevent BOM components from being immediately available in the system. By allowing post-completion consumption of materials, businesses can maintain operational efficiency and accurate cost tracking.

szufisher commented 1 month ago

I understand the business case, it can be real,but it will be too complicated to make ERPNext supporting such business case.