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Suggestions for RFQ #6209

Open Devens opened 8 years ago

Devens commented 8 years ago

First of all I congratulate the team for wonderful utility of RFQ. Following are few suggestions.

  1. Editable title for RFQ (to easily identify later, especially when there would be more than 100 RFQs in list)
  2. "Close" Status for RFQ (In absence of which we will have to Cancel each RFQs for which deal is closed, which is logically not correct)
  3. Supplier wise comparision chart, Selection of Vendor form within chart (for creating PO) and once a vendor is slected RFQ (and Supplier Qutations) should be automatically closed. (This utility is already there in ODOO. Just for info).
rohitwaghchaure commented 7 years ago

Hi @Devens

We are working on supplier wise comparison chart, need your help

  1. Can you share some screenshots for better understand
  2. How to show comparison for multiple products.
  3. As partial bidding is allowed then how to show the products against which supplier has not bid.

Basic design screen shot 2016-09-21 at 5 39 31 pm Where, X axis has list of supplier Y axis has rate of the product

Kindly share your thoughts

Thanks, Rohit

Devens commented 7 years ago

Dear Rohit,

First of all thank you very much for taking up this task.

I think, I had used little confusing word by saying "Comparison Chart". I should have used word "Comparison Table". Let me show the comparative we prepare on the basis of "Supplier Quotations" and other details. This will make things more clear.


I hope above picture would clarify most of the points. Should you require any further assistance, kindly let me know.

(Further complication can be added when one supplier is L1 for two items and other supplier is L1 another items. Perhaps we can provide item selection for creating PO here. )

bcornwellmott commented 7 years ago

As a suggestion, the Quoted Item Comparison report might be a good starting point for doing such a table / chart. The fields such as Current stock and last purchase rate should be easy to add. There is already a chart if you go to the print view (it would be great to add this to the table report). There is also a button for setting the default supplier from the list of Supplier Quotations available.

NOTE: It doesn't show multiple items, but it does show items at different volumes (if more than one quantity of parts is quoted per item).

mhbu50 commented 7 years ago


gladwynlewis83 commented 7 years ago

This is awesome. This is exactly a feature we are looking for, are we on track with the proposed schedule for this?

bcornwellmott commented 7 years ago

I wanted to expand on the tool being requested here, as I'm not sure the OPs proposal applies to all situations. My company tends to source on an item by item basis (instead of issuing all the parts to one supplier), and doesn't always pick the lowest item price (other factors such as lead time, shipping, etc. play a role). As well, we ask suppliers to quote multiple volumes (as we may build a first volume of parts and ramp up/down depending on demand). To analyse the quotes, we've created two tools: The Quoted Item Comparison report image This tool summarizes all the quotes received for an item, separating them by supplier and quantity. There are links to the specific quotations so the terms and additional charges can be reviewed. As well, the Print view shows a chart that clarifies the quotes: image Finally, it has a quick access tool to set the default supplier right from this screen, saving time when reviewing many items.

This is released with the current version of ERP (7.0), but there are a number of improvements that should be made: a. Limit quotes by date: Right now all the quotes for an item are shown. I believe the latest quote for a given supplier is used, but what would be useful is to have an option to only consider quotes between a date range. b. Add the analysis chart directly in the report view (not just in Print view). c. Give an option to convert currencies: Right now the system converts all the quotes to the company currency. Having an option to do that, as well as seeing what the quoted currency is, may be useful. d. The formatting of the Print view table needs improvement e. Showing current stock/last purchase rate could be useful for some users

Supplier Quotation Analysis report

We created this tool as a way of understanding how a suppliers quote did compared to all the other quotations submitted on a given set of items. It was created so that we could easily provide our suppliers with insights on where they were relative to the competition for specific parts and quantities. image The tool compares every item in a Supplier Quotation to one of two metrics: (a) the lowest quoted price for an item, or (b) the price of the selected supplier of an item. It shows the quotation price as well as the (a) or (b) low price, as well as who quoted the lower price (which can be masked by checking a box). It also shows the percent difference in price. image There is also a bar graph in the Print view which shows graphically the percent difference between the suppliers quote and the the selected comparison metric.

There are a number of improvements that can be made to this tool: a. The Print view visual gets very cluttered, especially with the labels for the item names / quantities b. The formatting of the Print view table is poor c. There should be an option to hide rows where the supplier of the selected quotation matches the selected metric (i.e. the supplier being analysed was the lowest/selected supplier)

This second tool is not submitted to ERPNext yet, but anyone can access it through my public repository:

In both these cases, the tools do not include additional charges in the evaluation, which can be a big problem when sourcing from suppliers in different countries. I'm not sure how you effectively include these costs though, as shipping and taxes don't necessarily scale to individual parts linearly. Also, given that you can easily select the default supplier from the Quoted Item Comparison tool, I'm not sure there is much benefit in being able to create a PO directly from these tools (as you'll often not want to award all the business to the same supplier, in which case using the load open material requests tool is more useful).

I'd be interested in hearing thoughts and views about the available tools, and what is missing from these tools that need to be included.

addymuliady commented 7 years ago

Hi @rohitwaghchaure @nabinhait @Devens

What is the status for this issue? I have a user requirement for this.
