frappe / frappejs

Node + Electron + Vue based metadata web framework (inspired by Frappe)
263 stars 110 forks source link

request to ease adoption: use sequelize models #122

Open mariusa opened 4 years ago

mariusa commented 4 years ago


There's already a popular ORM for node, It has 22,700 stars, this repo has 175 stars.

We already use sequelize (and will stick to it, it works great) and would like to start using frappejs. frappejs has a slightly different model/docType standard. To ease adoption, would you please consider

  1. using the same models as sequelize (stored in /models) Another advantage: models can be auto-generated with

  2. use sequelize as ORM. Instead of reinventing the wheel, focus on where frappejs can deliver more value.

These would help more potential users, adding to their stack (or partially replacing) instead of fully replacing it.
