frappe / print_designer

Visual print designer for Frappe / ERPNext
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
180 stars 101 forks source link

preview before printing is getting this error ! please help #203

Closed yousef-shpair closed 2 months ago

yousef-shpair commented 3 months ago

Screenshot 2024-03-26 004947

maharshivpatel commented 3 months ago

@yousef-shpair please open the error log and check the error. if you can't figure out you can copy-paste to share the error here

yousef-shpair commented 3 months ago

there is no error log created to it error log is empty

We need to use the application... Please help me

I downloaded it, but when displayed, it does not work. Perhaps it works by connecting to another party

What is the problem with Google fonts?

It has not been addressed by you yet

Is there another application installed on the operating system?

maharshivpatel commented 3 months ago

@yousef-shpair If your server can't access google fonts then pdf can not be generated and it will throw error.

I downloaded it, but when displayed, it does not work.

need more information what do you mean by "does not work" ? what is it showing in the pdf.

please share frappe framework and print_designer version you are using

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

hello mr maharshivpatel thank you for this perfect app

my server is on contabo vps alone one site with static ip administrator 123123

i tried installing a lot of times

but i cant at all i tried apt install -y libffi-dev && \ apt install -y libssl-dev && \ apt install -y libxrender1 && \ apt install -y libfontconfig && \ apt install -y fontconfig && \ apt install -y xvfb && \ apt install -y xfonts-base && \ apt install -y xfonts-75dpi && \ apt install -y python3-pdfkit && \ apt install -y python3-django-wkhtmltopdf && \ apt install -y wkhtmltopdf

2.also tried xvfb wkhtmltopdf libfontconfig

gives wkhtmltopdf --version wkhtmltopdf

3.also tried wget sudo dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.6.1-3.jammy_amd64.deb gives wkhtmltopdf --version wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt)

in did all tries every time on clean install no luck

please can you give us the installion and how to run it


maharshivpatel commented 3 months ago

you need to share minimum reproducible demo in order for me to help you. basically share url to exact format with document where this error happens.

Please check this video on how to use it :

please have in mind that it is not optimised for RTL layout yet.

also, please delete the comment later on as it has your credentials.

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

it is demo no problem

i watch all videos i cant make it work

it doesnt preview any format after designing ? why ?

maharshivpatel commented 3 months ago

your site is not in english so i am unable to navigate and find the format on my own that is causing the issue. please share the link here where you are facing the issue.

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

i converted the admin user to english also i created sales invoice profile here

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

also this is another demo administrator 123123

maharshivpatel commented 3 months ago

@abdopcnet works fine for me 😅

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 1 21 00 AM
abdopcnet commented 3 months ago


its not working !!!

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

where is the problem ?

maharshivpatel commented 3 months ago

@abdopcnet can you press f12 when you get this error and share the screenshot.

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago


abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

**maharshivpatel !

is there any solutions ?

how to make it work ?**

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

**maharshivpatel !

is there any solutions ?

how to make it work ?**

i installed the system more times with no luck

how to make it work ?

################################################################################### sudo apt-get install -y \ libpango1.0-dev \ libjpeg-dev \ libgif-dev \ librsvg2-dev \

libcairo2 \ libcairo2-dev \ libcairo2-ocaml \

xvfb \ libfontconfig \ fontconfig \ xfonts-base \ xfonts-utils \ xfonts-75dpi \ xfonts-encodings \

libfontenc1 \ libffi-dev \ libxrender1 \ libxrender-dev \ libx11-dev \ libxext-dev \ libfreetype6-dev \ libfontconfig1-dev #################################### wget sudo dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.6.1-3.jammy_amd64.deb

Verify the installation

wkhtmltopdf --version wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt) #################################### please help ?

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

work one time on google chrome then stops again ?

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago


abdopcnet commented 3 months ago


abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

work on image

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

work on vivaldi on mobile image

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

work ok with google chrome in mobile image

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

vivaldi browser on computer not working image

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago

this is the erros i see in firefox developer despite the print preview work ok ! image






maharshivpatel commented 3 months ago

this is the erros i see in firefox developer despite the print preview work ok ! image






This errors are fine. ignore it.

abdopcnet commented 3 months ago


maharshivpatel commented 2 months ago

@abdopcnet It is most likely some ad blocker extension that you have

I am closing this as it doesn't look related to print_designer but if you feel this is related to print_designer. please create a new issue. Thank you.