frappe / print_designer

Visual print designer for Frappe / ERPNext
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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feat: allow re-ordering pages #286

Open batonac opened 2 weeks ago

batonac commented 2 weeks ago

The new pages are awesome! I'm so excited. These two capabilities would really make it shine.

maharshivpatel commented 1 week ago

@batonac moving elements across pages is allowed just press cmd/ctrl. ordering can be good addition

batonac commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the tip @maharshivpatel. Ctrl+Click does indeed appear to do the trick, but the moved elements are obviously never registered on the new page. They are both hidden by their z-index initially, and any subsequent moves (after the Ctrl+Click move) jump them back onto the original page:

Designer Page Elements

maharshivpatel commented 1 week ago

@batonac yeah, it's doesn't work sometimes. there is some edge case will fix that. In meantime you can ctrl+a to get them in front of the page and then hold ctrl and move again then they should stay in the page.

batonac commented 1 week ago

Unfortunately, the multiple-Ctrl-move trick isn't working for me. As you can see from the 18 in Y in this screenshot, the element is anchored to the first page, regardless of where I place it on the second page. image

maharshivpatel commented 1 week ago

@batonac doesn't happen on my formats 😅. If you don't mind can you share your format. i have faced this same issue in the past but unable to replicate it as of now.

maharshivpatel commented 1 week ago

@batonac i think it is because your element is not 100% inside body of page it is on top of header. can you try with smaller element that you can be sure in inside body of second page and not overlapping with header.

batonac commented 1 week ago

That could be true @maharshivpatel. Moving elements across pages is working for me as of the latest release.